Every area of the United States is subject to natural and man-made disasters. So, it may be wise to learn how to prepare your home for a natural disaster. Earthquakes, for instance, seem to occur far more often along the long-recognized fault zones running along the Pacific Rim and up the California coast through Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.

Regardless, eastern and midwestern states are subject to occasional earthquakes as well. Similarly, the entire Central U.S. has the infamous Tornado Alley. And Gulf Coast states and the eastern seaboard are hurricane magnets. So, we all need to learn how to prepare our homes for a natural disaster!

Preparing yourself, your family, and your home before disaster strikes is critical. For instance, have a disaster kit that best fits the geography in which you live. Stock up on food supplies best suited to last through the rough days after a disaster strikes. If you can, carry insurance designed to replace your home and other losses in the event of a catastrophic episode.

Meantime, below are some online resources that may help you learn how to prepare your home for a natural disaster and limit your exposure to angry mother nature and other accidental emergencies.

Prepare Before a Natural Disaster!

It’s always hard to be ready for an unexpected disaster. The best way to prepare is to start early and get all the necessary tools and supplies. That way, you won’t have to scramble to find what you need in an emergency.

First, know what kinds of natural emergencies happen where you live. Then learn what steps you can take right now to get ready, what to do in an emergency, and how hopefully to fix and rebuild afterward.

Second, prepare the things you need to stay alive: food, water, equipment, and anything else you need to stay alive. The Red Cross suggests you think about two kits. Put everything you’ll need to stay where you are and survive for a while on your own in one kit.

The other kit should be a smaller, lighter version you can take with you if you must leave your home. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to handle most of what may come your way.

Home Disaster Supply Kit

Stocking Up on Food Supplies

Vital Records in Case Disaster Strikes

How to Prepare for Likely Emergencies

There are many kinds of natural disasters, and the cost of rebuilding after one can be very high. If you’re ready for emergencies, getting back on your feet will be easier if something terrible happens.

Depending on where you live in the United States, your area could be hit by different types of disasters. For example, hurricanes are least likely to hit Michigan or Colorado, and tornadoes probably won’t ever hit Alaska or Vermont. That doesn’t mean you won’t be in danger from bad weather, wildfires, or a severe winter storm.

After a widespread natural disaster, federal, state, and local officials will be there, but they probably won’t be able to help everyone right away. Your best bet to handle a disaster is by planning ahead and working as a team with your family and community.

Earthquake Preparedness

Hurricane or Tropical Storm Preparation

Tornado Preparation

Winter Storm Preparation

Fire Prevention

Potential but Less Likely Calamities

When a break-in, fire, or flood occurs, you will need insurance! More than a few people believe they don’t need home or renters’ insurance until they do! When hit with a fire or break-in, those who didn’t experience almost a lifetime of regret.

Why didn’t they have insurance? Perhaps because of financial stress, or they live in an area where the average income is lower than the national average. But the truth is that not having insurance should disaster strike places any homeowner in financial jeopardy and only makes it extremely tough to get back all that they had.

Just consider a broken pipe or a flash flood. Water damage can happen without warning. Nothing is worse than waking up and finding water standing in your basement or laundry room. Whenever a major calamity happens, homeowners have to go through a lot of trouble to repair, rebuild and make their homes safe and healthy places to live again. Always carry an insurance policy on your home.

Protect Your Home Against Flooding

Home Break-In Prevention

Home Pest Infestation Prevention

Mold Prevention


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  • Chris Kane

    Chris Kane is a military veteran and former business owner currently living in the Des Moines, Iowa, metro. Chris is an inveterate entrepreneur and avid web developer who is not shy about sharing his opinions.