Is Social Media Good or Bad? Part 2

Social media’s earliest forms date back to the 90s in the form of online bulletin boards. These were basically the prototype of forums, but it was the first time that people across the country could hop onto their computers and talk with one another. Today, social media is a completely different animal, and it’s the […]
Getting to Know the Characteristics of Gen Alpha

Move over Gen Z; there’s a new generation approaching their teenage years. Get to know the characteristics of Gen Alpha with this guide! It seems like all I ever see is people complaining about millennials and their avocado toast or Gen Z’s addiction to their phones. But nobody ever talks about the latest generation – Gen […]
Bucket List-Worthy Places to Go With Your Friends

If you’ve got the travel bug and feel like taking flight, we can help. Here are our top picks for places to go with your friends in 2024! If you’re like me, the COVID-19 pandemic put your travel plans on hold. Now that the world has fully reopened, I have a serious case of the […]
Trust Your Gut: Finding Things to Believe In

Looking for a sense of purpose and things to believe in? This simple guide can help you. Finding meaning doesn’t have to be a mystery anymore. In a world where we’re all bombarded by phony social media posts and biased algorithms every single day, it can be difficult to find things to believe in. It […]
Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Dream Career

Does your LinkedIn profile need a serious facelift? We can help! Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile so you can attract the top employers. Look, I fully understand that job hunting can be a drag. If filling out all those boring and time-consuming online applications during a job search doesn’t put you to sleep, […]
Fit, Fashion, Future: Athleisure Trends are Taking Over

Fitness clothing is not just for the gym anymore. If you’re looking to up your style game, here are the top athleisure trends you need for this year. Athletic wear has worked its way into our everyday wardrobes. Not only is athletic clothing comfortable, but it can also be incredibly functional, even outside of the […]
How to Get Into AI: Unlocking Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, but is it a passing fad or the next big technological shift? Learn how to get into AI with our guide! The world of artificial intelligence is evolving at a rapid rate. Even keeping up can feel a bit overwhelming. If you feel like you’re missing out and falling behind, I’ve […]
Zen Z: Different States of Meditation for Mindfulness

Want to get your anxiety and stress under control? You should learn about the different states of meditation. This guide covers everything! I used to find the idea of meditation a little bit weird. I thought it was something nature types did to feel more spiritual. All of that changed when I started dealing with […]
Can You Beat the Odds with Sports Betting?

Sports betting is growing in popularity, but can you actually beat the odds and win? If you’re curious, read our guide for all the answers! Thanks to mobile apps and more mainstream advertising, sports betting has rapidly grown in popularity, especially among younger audiences. Personally, I know I can’t even turn on the game without […]
Time for Midwesterners to Count Calories

It’s that time of year to count calories. As the weather gets colder and the holiday gatherings start adding up, so do the calories. And the pounds. Some of that is totally natural. For one, research shows that humans are hardwired to fear starvation more than we are to worry about putting on weight. Our […]